Related Posts Widget For Blogger Mobile


H5N1 rattling of import share of off page seo is internal linking, it agency to inter link other posts amongst the post service y'all write. Internal linking is skilful for seo also equally it increases your page views because it is the way yesteryear which visitors accomplish to your posts. Internal linking is of 2 types 1 is to refer links of older posts inwards novel post service together with the instant is to add together a related, recentrecommendation or featured posts widget inwards your blog. It helps visitors to accomplish to to a greater extent than posts together with read them. Related post service widget is most pop inwards desktop sites but straight off y'all tin forcefulness out add together related posts widget inwards your blogger mobile site to engage your mobile visitors to your blog. So inwards this post service I volition exhibit y'all how to add together related posts widget inwards blogger mobile site.

You tin forcefulness out run across a alive demo of this widget inwards my weblog either inwards your smartphone or on desktop. Just see my blog's mobile site yesteryear this link

Before nosotros start, get-go optimize your blog's mobile site yesteryear reading this post. After optimizing your weblog for mobiles simply follow below steps to add together related posts widget inwards your blog(mobile site).

Also Read: Text Only/Links Only Related Posts Widget For Blogger Mobile Site.

Step 1: Go to blogger dashboard together with navigate to layout > add together a gadget > Html/javascript.

Step 2: Copy code of mobile related posts widget from below:

Step 3: Paste the copied code into Html/javascript together with click on save.

Step 4: Grab the newly added gadget(related post service mobile widget) together with drib it at the bottom inwards the layout page. As shown inwards below image.


Widget Not Appearing In Mobile Site?

If the related post service widget fails to exhibit inwards your blog's mobile site thence follow below steps.

Step 1: Go to blogger dashboard, navigate to template together with click on Edit Html.

Step 2: Jump to the widget(related posts mobile) yesteryear its id or abide by it yesteryear using Ctrl+F


Step 3: Search for a business similar to this:

<b:widget id='HTML7' locked='false' title='' type='HTML'>

Step 4: Add this slice of code mobile='only' before locked='false' similar this:

<b:widget id='HTML7' mobile='only' locked='false' title='' type='HTML'>

Step 5: Click on relieve template together with y'all are done. Open your template together with scroll to the goal to run across your related posts widget!

I promise this widget is working fine on your blog, if y'all are facing whatsoever occupation nation me yesteryear leaving a comment below. Follow together with subscribe to larn latest word close blogger widgets.

Search Tags: Related Posts Widget For Blogger Mobile,blogger widgets together with gadget,related posts widget,random posts,featured posts,thumbnails,text only,blogger widgets

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