5 Stylish Search Boxes For Blogger (with Demo)

Updated on: August 27, 2016

Search Box is the basic but a necessary purpose of a website. They're user convenient together with help y'all inwards increasing your website usability. They help your readers to navigate throughout your weblog to a greater extent than efficiently. You would encounter that every blogspot blogger has unlike stylish custom search box widget matching their template pattern because, they were non exclusively help users to honour the solution of their problems to a greater extent than easily but besides add together a professional person expect to your blog.

Whereas Web crawlers similar Google tin hand notice crawl your entire site easily to index all of your posts together with pages, visitors possess got exclusively access to the links that are inwards front end of them. You may possess got hundreds or to a greater extent than posts/pages for people to read. You may possess got a unlike category, labels, tag, related posts, etc. listed on each of your pages, but y'all cannot render all of your information inwards a unmarried page. For people to honour what they are looking for, they involve to survive able to search through your entire content chop-chop together with easily.

Whichever page a visitor lands on, they tin hand notice search for what they want. This allows people to teach access to roughly of your hidden content that would accept much longer to honour past times clicking through countless pages or posts. The easier it is for people to navigate your whole blog, the to a greater extent than probable they volition rest together with catch over again every bit they tin hand notice switch away to another, increasing your bounce rate.

Custom Search Boxes For Blogger

Just adding a Search Bar is non enough, it should ever survive produce to help customers together with reliable according to the subject of your blog. Blogger besides provides Officially Simple widget for it, but that doesn't render the professional, fashionable expect to your blog, but y'all tin hand notice usage CSS to Style blogspot official search box widget. If your old Search box is non working properly together with y'all desire to supersede it amongst beautiful ane don't worry, simply selection upward ane of the next together with follow the steps past times stride instructions below. The expect of the pattern is upward to you, y'all tin hand notice besides edit the CSS according to your weblog needs.

Benefits of Adding Custom Stylish Search Box

  • Add professional person looks to your website.
  • Provide basic benefits to customers.
  • Save user time.
  • Can survive applied anywhere similar inwards header, sidebar, footer etc.
  • Stylish Active,hover together with focus effects.
  • Pure CSS, no image.
  • Easy customization from CSS styles.
  • Automatically adapt width.
<style type="text/css">     #hbz-searchbox {         background-color: #F5F5F5;         border: 1px corporation #EDEDED;         padding: 5px;         border-radius: 10px;         margin: 10px auto;         min-width: 238px;         max-width: 288px;     }         #hbz-input {         background-color: #FEFEFE;         border: medium none;         font: 12px/12px "HelveticaNeue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;         margin-right: 2%;         padding: 4%;         box-shadow: 2px 1px 4px #999999 inset;         border-radius: 9px;         width: 60.33%;     }         #hbz-input:focus {         outline: medium none;         box-shadow: 1px 1px 4px #0D76BE inset;     }         #hbz-submit {         background: transparent linear-gradient(to bottom, #34ADEC 0%, #2691DC 100%) repeat;         border-radius: 9px;         border: medium none;         color: #FFF;         cursor: pointer;         font: 13px/13px "HelveticaNeue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;         padding: 4%;         width: 28%;     }         #hbz-submit:hover {         background: transparent linear-gradient(to bottom, #2691DC 0%, #34ADEC 100%) repeat;     } </style>  <form id="hbz-searchbox" action="/search" method="get">     <input type="text" id="hbz-input" name="q" placeholder="Type Here..." />     <input type="hidden" name="max-results" value="8" />     <input id="hbz-submit" type="submit" value="Search" /> </form>
<style type="text/css">     #hbz-searchbox {         min-width: 250px;         margin: 10px auto;         border-radius: 3px;         overflow: hidden;         max-width: 300px;     }         #hbz-input {         width: 59.2%;         padding: 10.5px 4%;         font: bold 15px "lucida sans", "trebuchet MS", "Tahoma";         border: none;         background-color: #EEE;     }         #hbz-input:focus {         outline: none;         background-color: #FFF;         box-shadow: 0 0 2px #333333 inset;     }         #hbz-submit {         overflow: visible;         position: relative;         float: right;         border: none;         padding: 0;         cursor: pointer;         height: 40px;         width: 32.8%;         font: bold 15px/40px "lucida sans", "trebuchet MS", "Tahoma";         color: #FFF;         text-transform: uppercase;         background-color: #D83C3C;     }         #hbz-submit::before {         content: "";         position: absolute;         border-width: 8px;         border-style: corporation solid corporation none;         border-color: transparent #D83C3C;         top: 12px;         left: -6px;     }         #hbz-submit:focus,     #hbz-submit:active {         background-color: #C42F2F;         outline: none;     }      #hbz-submit:focus::before,     #hbz-submit:active::before {         border-color: transparent #C42F2F;     }      #hbz-submit:hover {         background-color: #E54040;     }      #hbz-submit:hover::before {         border-color: transparent #E54040; } </style>  <form id="hbz-searchbox" action="/search" method="get">     <input type="text" id="hbz-input" name="q" placeholder="Search..." />     <input type="hidden" name="max-results" value="8" />     <button id="hbz-submit" type="submit">Search</button> </form>
<style type="text/css">     #hbz-searchbox {         background: transparent linear-gradient(#2C2C2C, #111);         border-width: 1px;         border-style: solid;         border-color: #000;         border-radius: 4px;         padding: 10px;         z-index: 1;         display: block;         margin: 10px auto;         min-width: 228px;         max-width: 278px;     }         #hbz-input,     .hbz-submit {         box-shadow: 0 2px #000;         font-family: 'Cabin', helvetica, arial, sans-serif !important;         margin: 0px;         padding: 0px;     }         #hbz-input {         background: linear-gradient(#333, #222);         border: 1px corporation #444;         color: #888;         display: block;         float: left;         font-size: 13px;         height: 30px;         padding-left: 4%;         padding-right: 4%;         width: 60.2%;         border-radius: 3px 0px 0px 3px;     }         #hbz-input:focus {         animation: glow 800ms ease-out interplanetary space alternate;         border-color: #393;         color: #efe;         outline: none;     }         .hbz-submit {         background: linear-gradient(#333, #222);         box-sizing: content-box;         border: 1px corporation #444;         border-left-color: #000;         color: #fff;         display: block;         font-size: 12px;         height: 30px;         line-height: 30px;         position: relative;         width: 30%;         cursor: pointer;         border-radius: 0px 3px 3px 0px;     }         .hbz-submit:hover,     .hbz-submit:focus {         background: linear-gradient(#393939, #292929);     }         .hbz-submit:hover,     .hbz-submit:focus {         color: #5f5;         outline: none;     }         .hbz-submit:active {         top: 1px;     }         @keyframes glow {         0% {             border-color: #393;             box-shadow: 0 2px #000, 0px 0px 5px #3DAD3D, inset 0px 0px 5px #1F391F;         }         100% {             border-color: #6f6;             box-shadow: 0 2px #000, 0px 0px 8px #6bab6b, inset 0px 0px 10px #1F391F; </style>  <form id="hbz-searchbox" action="/search" method="get">     <input type="text" id="hbz-input" name="q" placeholder="Search..." />     <input type="hidden" name="max-results" value="8" />     <button class="hbz-submit" type="submit">Search</button> </form>
<style type="text/css">     #hbz-searchbox {         height: 40px;         position: relative;         min-width: 250px;         max-width: 300px;         margin: 10px auto;     }         .hbz-buttonwrap {         border: none;         width: 14%;         height: 35px;         display: block;         position: absolute;         top: 0;         right: 0;         background: #009bff;         cursor: pointer;         border-bottom: 5px corporation #0276c1;     }         .hbz-buttonwrap:hover {         border-bottom: 5px corporation #bc490a;         background: #d75813;     }         .hbz-submit {         width: 35px;         height: 35px;         background: transparent;         cursor: pointer;         position: absolute;         right: 50%;         top: 50%;         margin-top: -17.5px;         margin-right: -17.5px;         border: none;     }         .hbz-submit:after {         content: '';         position: absolute;         width: 8px;         height: 8px;         border: 2px corporation white;         border-radius: 50%;         left: 10px;         top: 9px;         box-sizing: content-box;     }         .hbz-submit:before {         content: '';         position: absolute;         height: 8px;         width: 2px;         background: white;         transform: rotate(-35deg);         top: 19px;         left: 21px;     }         #hbz-input {         height: 32px;         width: 82%;         position: absolute;         padding-left: 4%;         border: none;         outline: none;         right: 14%;         border-bottom: 5px corporation #bbb;         border-left: 1px corporation #eaeaea;         background-color: #fbfbfb;         border-top: 1px corporation #eaeaea;         box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #e9e4e4 inset;     }         #hbz-input:focus,     #hbz-input:active {         background-color: #fff;     } </style>  <form action="/search" id="hbz-searchbox" method="get">     <span class="hbz-buttonwrap"><button class="hbz-submit" value="" type="submit"></button></span>     <input type="text" name="q" id="hbz-input" placeholder="Type hither ..." />     <input type="hidden" name="max-results" value="8" /> </form>
<style type="text/css">     #hbz-searchbox {         height: 35px;         margin: 10px auto;         position: relative;         min-width: 250px;         max-width: 300px;     }         .hbz-buttonwrap {         border: none;         width: 14%;         height: 35px;         display: block;         position: absolute;         top: 0;         right: 0;         background: #444;         cursor: pointer;         border-top-right-radius: 5px;         border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;     }         .hbz-buttonwrap:hover {         background: #1a1a1a;     }         .hbz-submit {         width: 35px;         height: 35px;         background: transparent;         cursor: pointer;         position: absolute;         right: 50%;         top: 50%;         margin-top: -17.5px;         margin-right: -17.5px;         border: none;     }         .hbz-submit:after {         content: '';         position: absolute;         width: 8px;         height: 8px;         border: 2px corporation white;         border-radius: 50%;         left: 10px;         top: 9px;         box-sizing: content-box;     }         .hbz-submit:before {         content: '';         position: absolute;         height: 8px;         width: 2px;         background: white;         transform: rotate(-35deg);         top: 19px;         left: 21px;     }         #hbz-input {         height: 35px;         width: 82%;         padding: 0px;         padding-left: 4%;         border: none;         outline: none;         position: absolute;         right: 14%;         box-shadow: inset 0 2px 2px #080808;         background-color: #444444;         color: #fff;         border-top-left-radius: 5px;         border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;         transition: all 0.5s;     }         #hbz-input:hover,     #hbz-input:focus {         box-shadow: inset 1px 1px 10px #000;     } </style>  <form action="/search" id="hbz-searchbox" method="get">     <span class="hbz-buttonwrap"><button class="hbz-submit" value="" type="submit"></button></span>     <input type="text" name="q" id="hbz-input" placeholder="Search..." />     <input type="hidden" name="max-results" value="8" /> </form>

Steps: How To Add Stylish Search Box Widget To Blogger

Note: Minimum sidebar width required - 250px

Step 1. Login to your Blogger account, together with hence become to Layout > click on the 'Add a gadget' link on the left side.

Step 2. Choose HTML/JavaScript from the pop-up window > glue the code within the empty box.


Step 3. Configuration:

- Change the value="8" for amount numbers of posts per page. Eg value="12".

Note: Make certain max-results value matches amongst your post service restrain on homepage.

Step 4. Press Save.

Read: How to Change Status message on search outcome page
Read: Beautiful Subscription Box widgets for blogger
Read: How to alter search results order

Done !

Now your visitors tin hand notice navigate your weblog easily. For whatever issues related to inwards a higher identify tutorial Please Comment Below. Stay Updated, Browse ! :)

Video Tutorial:

Video link: https://youtu.be/Xu_wLGMYXes

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