How To Optimize Blogger Blog For Mobile Phones


Many blogging networks similar wordpress, weebly, hostgator etc provides mobile sites to their users, similar to them blogger also provides this characteristic to its users. Blogger provides mobile site equally good equally templates for mobile sites which are good made for all electrochemical cell screens. Although blogger is proficient for blogging equally it has desktop as well as mobile sites but similar desktop template y'all bring to optimize your spider web log for mobile phones. And for this y'all involve to add together about Gadgets, thus that y'all could acquire create goodness of your desktop equally good equally mobile site. 

Initially all blogger mobile sites bring elementary or default templates which allow entirely specific gadgets such as: 
  • Header(logo)
  • Footer(powered yesteryear blogger)
  • Page list
  • Blog(posts)
  • Adsense
  • Profile
So y'all can't acquire amount create goodness of your mobile site until y'all bring optimized it. So inwards this postal service I volition deal y'all to optimize your spider web log for mobiles thus that y'all could acquire create goodness from your mobile visitors.

In this postal service y'all volition larn next things:
  • How to optimize mobile template(basics).
  • How to enshroud all useless things inwards mobile site which shouldn't look on mobile site.
  • How to demo essential gadgets inwards mobile template(Related posts, Ads, Follow/Share buttons, Search box).
So lets begin, nosotros volition maiden off from optimizing mobile template.

Optimizing Mobile Template In Blogger:

Blogger has many mobile templates e.g simple, dynamic, moving painting view, Awesome inc, Water score tec.


And all the templates bring dissimilar views, all blogger templates bring an awesome await but they create non laissez passer y'all amount create goodness equally they don't allow ads as well as other custom gadgets. So y'all can't add together related posts widget(which is essential to growth page-views). 

So y'all involve to purpose custom template as well as optimize it. Follow below steps to switch on your custom mobile template.

Step 1: Go to template as well as click on the icon shown below mobile template.


Step 2: Choose the custom template as well as click on save.


Congratulations! you bring successfully switched on custom template for your blogger mobile site.

Hiding Things In Blogger Mobile Site:

Every spider web log has something that should survive entirely on desktop such equally a gadget. But when a blogger mobile template is switched to custom every thing you bring added inwards your spider web log template volition maiden off appearing inwards mobile persuasion too. Here I bring to nurture that entirely those things look inwards mobile sites also if y'all bring added it inwards template, but if y'all bring added something inwards layout equally a novel gadget, it won't look inwards mobile site until y'all bring enabled it. So hither I am going to demo y'all how to enshroud something inwards mobile persuasion of blogger yesteryear using xml.

Step 1: Go to template as well as click on edit html.

Step 2: Click within the code as well as search for something which y'all desire to demo entirely inwards desktop as well as enshroud it inwards mobile site.


Add something to your template for representative a gadget or a comment or a picture.

Step 3: Now simply earlier the code which y'all desire to enshroud inwards mobile site glue the next slice of code:

<b:if cond='data:blog.isMobile == &quot;false&quot;'>

and afterward the code(which y'all desire to enshroud inwards mobile site) type </b:if>


For representative y'all bring next code as well as y'all desire to enshroud it inwards your mobile site:


<em>Emphasized text</em><br>
<strong>Strong text</strong><br>
<code>A slice of calculator code</code><br>
<samp>Sample output from a calculator program</samp><br>
<kbd>Keyboard input</kbd><br>


Then according to inwards a higher house method your code should await similar below code:

<b:if cond='data:blog.isMobile == &quot;false&quot;'>

<em>Emphasized text</em><br>
<strong>Strong text</strong><br>
<code>A slice of calculator code</code><br>
<samp>Sample output from a calculator program</samp><br>
<kbd>Keyboard input</kbd><br>


Gadgets For Blogger Mobile Site:

Blogger gadgets created yesteryear blogger or other websites aren't compatible amongst mobile sites thus y'all bring to purpose particular gadgets for blogger mobile site y'all tin uncovering about mobile site gadgets here.

Showing Things Only In Blogger Mobile Site:

If your spider web log has something that y'all would similar to demo inwards mobile site entirely thus its possible now, how? Just purpose the below slice of code inwards a higher house the content which y'all would similar to demo entirely inwards mobile site:

<b:if cond='data:blog.isMobile == &quot;true&quot;'>

as well as afterward it simply add together this slice of code:


For representative I desire to demo this business inwards mobile site entirely "I am fahim, y'all tin telephone band me FK" thus inwards my template it should survive similar this:

<b:if cond='data:blog.isMobile == &quot;true&quot;'>
I am fahim, y'all tin telephone band me FK

Now it volition survive shown entirely inwards mobile site. You tin purpose this to demo related posts widget inwards blogger mobile site.

Check out: More Mobile Blogging Tutorials To Improve You Mobile Site!

Hope y'all similar this post. If y'all bring whatsoever enquiry delight deal me know yesteryear leaving a comment below.

Seach tags: Blogger mobile site,Blogger mobile site,Optimize Blogger Blog For Mobile Phones,Blogger mobile site gadgets,101helper

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