Thermodynamics (NME-303) Syllabus (UPTU / AKTU)

Thermodynamics (NME-303) Syllabus (UPTU / AKTU) of Mechanical Engineering (2nd Year)

Subject NameThermodynamics
Subject CodeNME-303
BranchMechanical Engineering
Unit – I:
Fundamental Concepts too Definitions: Introduction- Basic Concepts: System, Control Volume,
Surrounding, Boundaries, Universe, Types of Systems, Macroscopic too Microscopic viewpoints,
Concept of Continuum, Thermodynamic Equilibrium, State, Property, Process, Exact & Inexact
Differentials, Cycle Reversibility Quasi – static Process, Irreversible Process, Causes of Irreversibility
Energy too its forms, Work too estrus (sign convention), Gas laws, Ideal gas, Real gas, Law of
corresponding states, Dalton’s law, Amagat’s law, Property of mixture of gases.

Zeroth police line of thermodynamics: Concept of Temperature too its’ measurement, Temperature scales.

First police line of thermodynamics: Thermodynamic definition of work, Displacement piece of work too menses work, Displacement piece of work for diverse non menses processes, Joules’ experiment, First police line analysis for closed organisation (non menses processes), Internal release energy too enthalpy. Limitations of showtime police line of thermodynamics, PMM-I.

Unit – II:
First police line of thermodynamics applied to opened upwards systems, Steady menses systems too their analysis, Steady menses release energy equation, Boilers, Condensers, Turbine, Throttling process, Pumps etc. Analysis of unsteady processes such every bit filling too evacuation of vessels alongside too without estrus transfer.

Second police line of thermodynamics: Thermal reservoirs, Energy conversion, Heat engines, Efficiency,
Reversed estrus engine, Heat pump, Refrigerator, Coefficient of Performance, Kelvin Planck too Clausius contestation of minute police line of thermodynamics, Equivalence of the ii statements. Reversible and irreversible processes, Carnot cycle too Carnot engine, Carnot theorem too it’s corollaries, Thermodynamic Temperature Scale, PMM-II.

Unit – III
Entropy : Clausius inequality, Concept of Entropy, Entropy alter of pure center inward different
thermodynamic processes, Tds equation, Principle of entropy increase, T-S diagram, Statement of the
third police line of thermodynamics.

Availability too Irreversibility: Available too unavailable energy, Availability too Irreversibility,
Second police line efficiency, Helmholtz & Gibb’s function.

Unit – IV
Properties of steam too Rankine cycle: Pure substance, Property of Pure Substance (steam), Triple
point, Critical point, Saturation states, Sub-cooled liquid state, Superheated vapour state, Phase
transformation procedure of water, Graphical representation of pressure, book too temperature, P-T & PV diagrams, T-S too H-S diagrams, work of belongings diagram, Steam-Tables & Mollier chart, Dryness
factor too it’s measurement, processes involving steam inward unopen too opened upwards systems. Simple Rankine

Introduction to IC engines: Compression Ignition engines, Spark Ignition engines, 2 stroke too four stroke engines, Performance parameters of IC engine, Heat repose sheet.
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